Sunday, July 24, 2011


Here's some time for some motivation.  I figured I would post before and current pictures (I'm not to the after yet, as I haven't hit my goal weight yet). 

This is my boyfriend and I on my birthday in 2009.  I'm guessing I was about 170 or so here.

This was about 2 weeks before I joined Weight Watchers.  I was about 189 here.
 This was March, 19, 2011.  This was the first picture where I could see a change in myself.  I was 177.6 here.

This was about a month ago for a friend's wedding.  Weight was 161.4.
 This is my favorite picture of myself at the moment.  I don't remember when this was taken, but it was definitely after I joined Weight Watchers.  My face looks a lot thinner and my skin is pretty clear. :-)

I don't any current pictures uploaded, but I will post them next time.  I haven't lost a whole lot of weight since the last picture.  I'm down to 156.8 and I have very few clothes that fit, and NO bras that really fit.  That's exciting.  We joined the gym that's right next to our apartment complex, and we are working out in the morning 4-5 times a week.  I do more cardio than anything, while my boyfriend, Venkata, balances his time equally between cardio and weights.  The awesome thing is that I have lost EVERY week since we've joined.  The not-so-awesome thing is that my weight loss has slowed down since I hit about 25 pounds lost.  I am thinking about going back to running in a week or two to up the intensity of my workout.  Lately, I've been reading up about celebrity work-out plans.  I'm real interested to see how they keep their bodies looking good.  I'm sure it's easier for them because they have personal trainers and many times personal chefs, but I enjoy cooking and working out.  

Until next time,


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weight Watchers Week 2

Last week I joined Weight Watchers.  Weighing in at 189.0 pounds, I sat through that meeting feeling sick that I've gained so much weight, yet hopeful that I can change. I want to be healthier, for myself, for my boyfriend, and my future children.  I focused on eating more vegetables and fruit, and bringing my lunch to work rather than going out to eat.  I calculated that I was spending at least $30 A WEEK on food for lunches.  JUST for lunches!  That's $120 a month (at minimum).  So, to begin, I started packing lunches, varying the fruits and vegetables I was bringing.  I also made a few simple changes in the morning.  Part of Venkata and my routine is to get up, shower, and drink our coffee while watching the morning news. So instead of loading up my coffee with sugar, I bought Splenda and still use the same little creamers in my coffee. 

Surprisingly, I ate out 3 times since Saturday, but made better choices than I normally would have.  Instead of a quesadilla, I had two fajitas and 1/2 cup of refried beans.  I went out with a friend and normally would have had a chicken sandwich, but chose instead a large salad with chicken.

I have also dropped regular sodas out of my diet, and switched to diet or water instead. 

So, let's jump to weigh in this morning.  I am down 3.8 pounds!

Now, I just have to keep it up!  I am going to keep eating healthier, and focus on working out.  Venkata and I have talked about starting to train to run 5k runs because I used to love going to those.  I want to have something that will motivate me even when I don't lose weight.  So that's the plan.  I'm happy that it's working.  I even feel healthier and with more energy. :-)